Posted on 8/31/2017

Did you know your vehicle has a hidden filter that treats air inside the passenger compartment? Ignoring this inexpensive maintenance item can lead to costly repairs. Robert, what are cabin air filters, what’s their purpose? Robert: Well the cabin air filters, it’s not the filter inside the engine, it’s the filter that’s under your dash, which is specifically for your heater and AC. What happens is, when you have rain or dust and debris, it goes in through your vents, gets blocked in that filter, and your blower motor which is the fan for the air that blows on your face, it has a hard time pushing the air through. So it can burn out that motor, it can burn out the power resistor that helps that motor work. So it’s one of those things where the manufacturer recommends every 12,000 to 15,000 miles, which is roughly every year. Sometimes that can be overkill, but if yo ... read more