Posted on 7/24/2017

If your “Check Engine Light” comes on, bring your vehicle in as soon as possible. We have all the latest tools to diagnose the issue and get you back on the road quickly. We’re here today with Robert Lugo of Doctor of Motors, talking about auto maintenance and what you need to know about maintaining your car. Robert, let’s talk about the check engine light today. Why does the light come on in your vehicle? When that comes on, what does it mean? Robert: Well, pretty much the computer, or the vehicle, has only one way of telling you that something is wrong. And the computer has anywhere from 5,000 to 8,000 different codes, which are different areas of the vehicle that are having a problem. Host: Five thousand? Robert: Yes. So when that happens, that’s the indication for you to get ready to find the nearest shop. Host: Does it have anything to do with tune up? Robert: Tuning…vehic ... read more